Tag Archives: poison dart frogs

New inhabitants: Poison dart frogs and more

As the paludarium starts to work stable, I decided it was time to add some new inhabitants: Poison dart frogs. This is a welcome addition as it adds some more life during the daytime hours.

Which frogs to choose – Phyllobates

It was hard to make a decision. As I already have a red-eyed maki tree frog in the setup, choices we limited as the tree frog will consider a lot of the smaller poison dart frogs as food. So I ended up looking at larger species, and ended up with the black-legged poison dart frog (Phyllobates bicolor). They are in excess of 4cm in size, which should make sure they do not become a midnight snack. Here are some of the first images:

They seem happy in the new setup, always chasing fruit flies or small crickets.

More poison dart frogs – Dendrobates

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Thinking up The Paludarium 3.0

As I have moved between houses, I decided to not move the paludarium with me. A hard decision, but also an important step forward; building something new will allow me to think different once again.

One primary reason not to move the current paludarium (v2.0 if you will) was the fact that the new place where the paludarium would sit should again have access to tapwater and sewer. Then add the complexity of the move itself. Another not totally unimportant reason was the fact that my new home really did not have a decent space to fit a paludarium of this shape. So I found a new home for the inhabitants and sold the glass box. Including the “canopy” (after I removed its “brains” though).

Next I figured out that it would actually be an awesome chance to Read more »